Swami Vivekananda getup

swami vivekanand getup

Swami Vivekananda getup

Swami Vivekananda had a special way of dressing that showed his deep connection to spirituality. He wore a simple saffron-colored robe, which represented giving up material things and focusing on inner growth. His turban and beaded necklace were like symbols of tradition and his spiritual practices. Even his sandals showed his humility and down-to-earth nature. With his unique hairstyle and a mark on his forehead, he made a statement about his commitment to spiritual values and helping others. So, his dressing wasn’t just clothes; it was a reflection of his beliefs and way of life.

1.Saffron Robe (Kavi)

Swami Vivekananda typically wore a saffron-colored robe known as a “kavi.” This robe is a symbol of renunciation and austerity in the Hindu tradition.

2.Turban (Pagri)

He often wore a turban along with the saffron robe. The turban is also typically saffron or a similar color.

3.Beads (Kanthi Mala)

Swami Vivekananda often wore a beaded necklace known as “kanthi mala.” These beads are usually made of rudraksha and are common among Hindu ascetics.


Simple sandals or flip-flops were part of his attire.

6.Distinctive Hairstyle

Swami Vivekananda had a unique hairstyle with a central parting. His hair was relatively short, and he had a distinctive beard.

7.Tilak (Sacred Mark)

Swami Vivekananda applied a tilak, a sacred mark on his forehead. The tilak is often a horizontal mark made with sandalwood paste or ash.

8.Danda (Staff)

At times, Swami Vivekananda was seen holding a staff or danda, which is a symbol of renunciation and discipline.

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